Health and Safety Policy
May 2020
1.1 Health and Safety Welfare Policy Statement
2.0 Company Organisation and Responsibilities
2.1 Health, Safety and Welfare Responsibilities
2.2 Company Management Structure
2.2.1 Managing Director
2.2.2 Estimators/Buyers
2.2.3 Senior Engineer
2.2.4 Operatives
2.2.5 Sub-Contractors
2.2.6 Safety Advisors
3.0 Arrangements
3.1 Accident Reporting & Investigation
3.2 First Aid and emergency procedures
3.3 CDM – Planning for Safety
3.4 Information, Training and Consultation
3.5 Welfare Provisions on site
3.6 Fire precautions
3.7 Fire /Emergency Procedures
3.8 HSE notifications & statutory signs
3.9 Competency check on subcontractors
3.10 Risk Assessments and Method Statements
3.11 Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
3.12 Manual Handling
3.13 Site Auditing / Inspections
3.14 General Site Rules
3.15 Personal Protective Equipment (COSHH)
3.16 Plant, Equipment and Transport
3.17 Electrical Equipment
3.18 Asbestos
3.19 Work at Height
3.20 Noise
3.21 Vibration
3.22 Health Surveillance
3.23 Office Safety
The following policy is produced by Nigel Smith Plumbing Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd, in order to display our commitment to ensuring the integrity of all our employees’ health, safety and welfare, along with anyone else affected by our undertakings. The policy will also display that the Company is meeting our statutory duties as defined in Section 2(3) of The Health and Safety at Work Act.
As Managing Director, I will personally take all reasonable and practicable steps to positively control and ensure that our work practices and procedures are safe and without risk to either health or safety. I will also ensure that for each project or task, a full account of all health, safety and welfare implications, affecting our employees, the general public and, any other persons are controlled and effective. To that end the Company will:
- Comply with all duties placed on us by any relevant legislation, codes of practice or industry standards.
- Employ at all levels a competent and trained workforce through appropriate recruitment, selection, performance assessment, training and, when necessary, re-training.
- Systematically identify hazards at the workplace and implement controls to minimise the risk to employees and any others affected by us.
- Provide an effective system of communication throughout the Company to minimise the risk to employees and encourage participation of high standards of health and safety management.
- Maintain high standards, procedures and work instructions, which are sufficient to avoid injury to employees and others. Provide properly engineered facilities, plant and equipment and maintain them in a safe condition.
- Ensure through a systematic approach, the integrity of all projects from conception to post commissioning.
- Only utilise operatives or sub contractors who demonstrate a level of commitment to and comply with health, safety and welfare standards commensurate with the standards maintained by the Company.
- Through investigation, follow up and analysis of incident reports, I will strive to eliminate incidents with the potential to result in injury to employees and others, damage to plant and equipment, and harm to the environment.
- Have in place audit and review systems to monitor the performance standards of the Company health and safety management system and provide for on-going improvements.
The Company firmly believes that a good record in health, safety and welfare protection is not only an efficient management system but, also makes sound economic sense for our future well being. In recognition of this, the following organisational responsibilities have been introduced and delegated to ensure we attain and enjoy both high standards of health and safety management and awareness.
- Prepare and maintain an up to date Company Health and Safety Policy Statement, ensuring it is brought to the notice of all employees.
- This policy will be reviewed at least annually to reflect current work activities and to develop it where necessary.
- Develop organisational procedures for the implementation of the policy, ensuring each person is aware of his/her responsibilities and duties and, allocating the necessary resource to carry them out.
- Be aware of the statutory legislation affecting the Company’s operations and administer the policy throughout the Company.
- Comply with areas of the Construction Design, Management Regulations where necessary.
- Ensure appropriate training is identified and delivered to staff.
- Ensure company undertakings are correctly planned, hazards identified and controlled and proper working practices are observed at all times, as required by current legislation or, any Approved Code of Practice.
- Adequate planning, monitoring and a continual review of our arrangements will ensure the rigorous implementation of our policy standards.
- Ensure that all employees are consulted on matters of health and safety and will encourage positive employee participation at all levels within the company.
- Ensure all health and safety factors are taken into account and considered i.e. safe-working methods, equipment to avoid injury, property damage and wastage, adequate sanitary and welfare facilities.
- Ensure we maintain a close liaison with all sub contractors employed by us on all matters relating to health and safety.
- Ensure systems are in place for the reporting, investigation, costing of injury, damage and loss and promoting proper analysis of such investigations to detect trends and to eliminate hazards.
- Appropriately discipline any member of staff who fails to satisfactorily discharge their responsibilities for health and safety.
- Set a personal example through wearing appropriate personal protective equipment at all times when visiting site.
- Arrange regular meetings with the Safety Adviser to discuss company performance, accident prevention, improvements and the general health, safety and welfare standards of the company.
In the absence of the Managing Director, the Estimators / Buyers will deputise on his behalf on all such occasions and, to this end, he will be aware of all Company Health and Safety practice and procedures affecting our on site plumbing engineering operations. In addition he is required to:
- Understand the Company Health and Safety Policy and ensure it is readily available on each site and bring to the attention of the Managing Director any amendment or new working procedure relevant to our business undertaking.
- Plan work in accordance with legislative requirements ensuring it is regularly reviewed to establish if appropriate improvements or additions should be made.
- Assess the risks associated with any unusual situation; outline the potential hazards at each stage, indicate the necessary control procedures to be adopted and, provide written instructions. If appropriate, obtain from sub-contractors, details of risk assessments, substances and work processes that are hazardous to health or safety or, ensure their compliance with agreed company methods of work.
- At all times, ensure the protection of all operatives on the site, including any members of the public and others who may have a right to be there.
- Informing sub-contractors, at the earliest possible time, of the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to be worn on site, at all times.
- Discipline anyone failing to discharge his or her individual health and safety responsibilities satisfactorily.
- Review work procedures, methods and associated safety aspects with supervisors and, if appropriate, the safety adviser before any unusual work activity is undertaken.
- Ensure appropriate corrective action is taken to rectify any hazardous site issues brought to your attention by the safety adviser.
- Evaluate the competence level of sub-contracting companies who tender for work on company projects and ensure there is a commitment on their part to implement and maintain all aspects of their own and others health, safety and welfare.
- Understand the Company Health and Safety policy and ensure it is brought to the notice of all employees, particularly new starters. Carry out work in accordance with the policy and, bring to the notice of the managing Director, any necessary improvement(s).
- Ensure all employees, sub-contract operatives and, in particular any apprentices or young people, are given site induction training highlighting site hazards, emergency procedures, safe methods of work and any other relevant safety precautions necessary. Records of all site induction training are to be retained.
- Ensure work activities are carried out to the required company standards, with the minimum of risk to employees, other contractors, the public, equipment or materials.
- Comply with areas of the Construction Design, Management Regulations where necessary.
- As appropriate, issue written instructions detailing the method of work required and, ensure sub contractors work in accordance with their agreed method statements and are available.
- Ensure appropriate assessments have been carried out on any substances, processes or work activity hazardous to health and safety, and that the appropriate control measures, training, instruction, protective clothing etc. have been provided.
- Ensure operatives under your control are aware of their responsibilities for safe working and are fully aware they are not required or permitted to take unnecessary risks.
- Arrange materials to be delivered and stacked in order to avoid double handling and ensure that the off-loading of materials is carried out in a safe manner.
- Plan and maintain a tidy site and, check all machinery, power and hand tools are maintained in good condition.
- Ensure adequate supplies of protective clothing and equipment are maintained on site and that the protective equipment is suitable. Records are to be maintained of all issues of PPE.
- Ensure emergency systems are in place, for alerting any of the emergency services. Provision adequate first aid facilities and make site operatives aware of the location and the procedures for receiving first aid treatment for injuries and the subsequent reporting of such injuries.
- Co-operate with the Safety Adviser and seek his advice before commencing any new methods of work or potentially hazardous operations.
- Ensure adequate fire precautions are provisioned for the site office and welfare facilities and also for the storage, dispensing and use of any flammable liquids or liquefied petroleum gases.
- Be familiar with the Company Health and Safety Policy and carry out your work in accordance with its requirements.
- Ensure the correct tools and equipment are used for the job and are maintained in a good condition.
- Always wear safety footwear and, as appropriate, any other Personal Protective Equipment provided, e.g. goggles, respirators etc. as detailed in specific assessments for the task being undertaken.
- Report immediately any defects in machinery, tools or equipment.
- Work in a safe manner at all times and do not take unnecessary risks likely to endanger yourself or others.
- Do not use machinery, tools or equipment for work for which it they are neither intended for or, you have not been specifically trained to operate.
- Remain vigilant to other hazards developing during your work and, as appropriate, warn other employees, particularly new employees and young people, of them.
- Do not play practical jokes or engage in “horseplay” on site.
- Ensure that all provisioned welfare and sanitary facilities are maintained to a high standard and report any person found abusing them.
- Report immediately to your supervisor any injury sustained from an accident at work, even if the injury d not stop you from working.
- If appropriate, suggest safer methods or procedures of work.
- Any employed sub-contractor will be expected to comply with our Company Policy for Health, Safety and Welfare and must ensure their own Company Policy is available on site whilst work is being carried out.
- The Site Supervisor will ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions, taking account of and considering the safety of others on the site and the general public.
- Sub-contractors must provide documented risk assessments and methods of work for all work activity to be undertaken on site, which may be hazardous to either health or safety, before any work is commenced. Any such assessments are to be conveyed to all sub-contract employees on site and records maintained of this action. Any materials or substances brought to site which have a health, fire or explosion risk are only to be used and stored in accordance with current Regulation and practice and this information is to be available to both operatives and other who may be affected by them.
- Any item of machinery or equipment brought to site and used by sub-contractors’ must be safe, free from defect and maintained in good working order. All appropriate guards and safety devices are to be fitted and all necessary certificates and documentation must be available for inspection. Information and assessment on the noise levels of the machinery or equipment are to be carried out by the sub-contractor and this information provided to our Contracts Manager before work commences.
- Any injury sustained or damage caused by sub-contract employees must be reported immediately to the Site Supervisor.
- Sub-contract employees must comply with all safety instructions given by the Site Supervisor.
- Nigel Smith Plumbing Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd have appointed an independent safety adviser who will, as appropriate, inspect our sites and report on all aspects of health, safety and welfare matters and a written report will be produced for our site representative. Any sub-contractor informed of a hazard or defect during these inspections is to rectify the matter immediately and confirm the action taken to our Site Supervisor.
- Sub-contractors will provision, for their employees, suitable fire and first aid emergency procedures and any equipment required by the Regulations, unless a previous agreed arrangement has been made for the use of alternative facilities.
- Particular note is to be taken of the need to ensure that all workplaces are kept clean, tidy and free from debris and waste materials and all work areas are continually cleared as work progresses.
As required by Regulation 7 of “The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations”, Lincsafe (Health and Safety) Limited have been appointed to advise and assist all related health, safety and welfare issues related specifically to our business undertakings. Lincsafe (Health and Safety) Ltd will be responsible directly to the Managing Director and will also maintain a close relationship with all other employees. Specifically they will perform the following functions:
- Advise on the application and maintenance of our Company Health and Safety Policy arrangements
- Maintain an up-to-date knowledge in matters of legislation and Regulations as they apply and affect the company health and safety policy.
- Advise the Managing Director / Senior Management on any related safety matters.
- Advise employees at all levels, as appropriate, on matters directly affecting their health and safety.
- On request, monitor the Company’s health and safety status by visits to site and ensuring our compliance with current legislation and our company policy and standards.
- On request, investigate and report on any accident, dangerous occurrence or near miss and, as appropriate, recommend any means of preventing a recurrence of the incident.
- Maintain a close liaison with the Health and Safety Executive Inspectors and other appropriate organisations and departments relevant to our undertaking.
- Advise company managers and Site Supervisors on training requirements for employees ensuring they are competent to carry out detailed tasks within the parameters of current safety legislation.
- On request, carry out regular site visits and advise management on the implementation arrangements of the health and safety policy.
- Advise on the training requirements for employees, especially new starters, specifically formal safety awareness training and site induction training.
3.1 Accident reporting and investigation
3.1.1 All accidents should be classified as follows:-
- Minor accidents, resulting in absence from the workplace of less than 7 days including weekends
- Reportable “Over 7 day” injuries that result in absence from work exceeding7 days.
- Reportable “Specified” injuries classified as: a fracture, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes;
- amputation of an arm, hand, finger, thumb, leg, foot or toe;
- permanent loss of sight or reduction of sight;
- crush injuries leading to internal organ damage;
- serious burns (covering more than 10% of the body, or damaging the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs);
- scalpings (separation of skin from the head) which require hospital treatment;
- unconsciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia;
- any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space, which leads to hypothermia, heat-induced illness or requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
3.1.2 Furthermore, to comply with Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) all accidents, no matter how small and apparently inconsequential, must be recorded in the Accident Book.
3.1.3 RIDDOR requires "responsible persons" to report certain injuries and dangerous occurrences associated with work, to the appropriate enforcement authority (ie HSE).
3.1.4 In the event of a Specified / Major injury the Managing Director must, in the first instance, contact the HSE by telephone directly.
3.1.5 Several of the reportable dangerous occurrences (listed in schedule 2 to RIDDOR) are relevant to construction work. Where the accident is of a type that is required to be reported, the initial report should be by the quickest means, ie telephone followed up by a written report on the official form F2508 (F2508A for diseases) within 10 days.
3.1 Accident reporting and investigation (cont)
3.1.6 In the cases of "more than seven day" accidents or occupational diseases, then a written report submitted within 15 days (on F2508 or F2508A) of the accident date is sufficient, as soon as the employer becomes aware of the situation.
3.1.7 Any incident, accident or near miss shall be investigated, recording evidence via photographs, written statements and interviews with those involved or injured and witnesses. Any plant used shall be quarantined for inspection re damage or misuse of equipment.
3.1.8 Where the outcome of the investigation can clearly identify a reason for the occurrence and those people are identified as responsible then, if appropriate, the Managing Director / Site Manager should instigate disciplinary procedures.
3.1.9 Accident reporting and investigation shall be undertaken by either the Site Supervisor (non-reportable, minor incidents), or the Managing Director and / or Safety Adviser (reportable, major injuries etc).
3.1.10 In all cases the appropriate remedial actions (to prevent a recurrence) will be instigated by the Managing Director.
3.1.12 All accidents to be recorded in Accident Book
3.1.13 All accidents resulting absence exceeding 7 days must be reported to HSE on F2508 form, Lincsafe to be notified as soon as possible.
3.1.14 All “Specified” accidents must be reported to HSE as soon as possible by telephone, again Lincsafe to be notified as soon as possible.
Options to report incident to HSE
Telephone The quickest and easiest way to do this is to call the Incident Contact Centre with no need to fill in a report form. Just call 0845 300 99 23 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm) and speak to an ICC Operator who will complete a report form over the phone. You will be sent a copy for your records.
Online Complete the appropriate on-line report form above. The form
will then be submitted directly to the Incident Contact Centre. You will be sent a copy for your records.
3.2 First aid and Emergency Procedures
3.2.1 Currently first aid provisions and coverage on sites are provided by the Principal/Main Contractor. Trained first aid personnel will therefore not be provided by Nigel Smith Plumbing until such times as the Principal/Main Contractor stipulates this to be provided.
3.2.2 Trained first aider’s are provided by the Landlord (Lindum’s) to provide any first aid treatment if required by office based personnel.
3.2.3 Senior management will ensure that where required, the accident book is completed for incidents which occur in the office, rented accommodation. Site incidents will be recorded in the site accident book by the site supervisor/manager.
3.2.4 A first aid box is situated in the office accommodation with the names of First Aid personnel available clearly displayed and brought to the attention of all personnel at the induction process.
3.2.5 As Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd only undertake work with Main Contractors we shall expect the Main Contractor to ensure suitable provision for First Aid / Emergencies and their details to be communicated at the main induction.
3.2.6 All forms of ‘hot work’ are to have a suitable and appropriate “permit to work” and effective monitoring of the hot work areas are to be carried out at cease work. Sub contractors will include fire safety within their submitted risk assessments/method statements, as appropriate.
3.3 The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations - Planning for Safety
3.3.1 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 place duties on various parties involved in the construction programme from Client to Contractors. The Company shall fulfil the requirements of the Regulations related to its activities with particular emphasis on co-ordination of work activities and good communication and co-operation with our own staff and others on site.
3.3.2 Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd shall plan, manage and monitor our own work to ensure personnel and operations under our control are safe prior to works commencing on site.
3.3.3 The Company shall carry out a survey of work tasks/workplace in relation to Health and Safety and shall produce safe systems of work to minimise risks prior to works being undertaken.
3.3.4 Where Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd are the only contractor working for a Client we shall prepare a suitable Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan proportionate to the works.
3.3.5 We shall ensure any sub-contractors used are competent and request them to submit their own proposals to overcome potential high-risk areas.
3.3.5 Monitoring of safety standards shall be via internal and external site inspections which shall generate written reports. Any remedial action recommended shall be closed out as soon as possible by the Site Supervisor or Managing Director.3.3.6 During site inspections, meetings and briefings we shall consult all personnel regarding matters pertaining to health and safety. Requests, queries or concerns shall be remedied as soon as possible and passed to Head Office for discussion at the Monthly Contracts Meeting.
3.3.6 Specialist advice shall be called on from our Safety Advisers as required to ensure compliance with these Regulations.
Summary of duties under the CDM Regulations 2015
Clients are organisations or individuals for whom a construction project is carried out.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
Make suitable arrangements for managing a project. This includes making sure:
- Other dutyholders are appointed;
- Sufficient time and resources are allocated;
Make sure: - Relevant information is prepared and provided to other dutyholders;
- The Principal Designer and Principal Contractor carry out their duties;
- Welfare facilities are provided
CDM Dutyholders
Domestic Clients are people who have construction work carried out on their own home, or the home of a family member that is not done as part of a business, whether for profit or not.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
- Domestic clients are in scope of CDM 2015, but their duties as a client are normally transferred to:
- The contractor, on a single contractor project;
Or - The Principal Contractor, on a project involving more than one contractor.
- However, the domestic client can choose to have a written agreement with the Principal Designer to carry out the client duties.
CDM Dutyholders
Designers are those, who as part of a business, prepare or modify designs for a building, product or system relating to construction work.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
When preparing or modifying designs, to eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks that may arise during;
- Construction; and
- The maintenance and use of a building once it is built.
Provide information to other members of the project team to help them fulfil their duties.
CDM Dutyholders
Principal Designers are designers appointed by the client in projects involving more than one contractor. They can be an organisation or an individual with sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to carry out the role.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase of a project.
This includes:
- Identifying, eliminating or controlling foreseeable risks;
- Ensuring designers carry out their duties.
- Prepare and provide relevant information to other duty holders.
- Provide relevant information to the Principal Contractor to help them plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the construction phase.
CDM Dutyholders
Principal Contractors are contractors appointed by the client to coordinate the construction phase of a project where it involves more than one contractor.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the construction phase of a project. This includes:
- Liaising with the Client and Principal Designer;
- Preparing the construction phase plan;
- Organising cooperation between contractors and coordinating their work.
Ensure: - Suitable site inductions are provided;
- Reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access;
- Workers are consulted and engaged in securing their health and safety; and
- Welfare facilities are provided.
CDM Dutyholders
Contractors are those who do the actual construction work and can be either an individual or a company.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
Plan, manage and monitor construction work under their control so that it is carried out without risk to health and safety.
For projects involving more than one contractor, coordinate their activities with others in the project team – in particular, comply with directions given to them by the Principal Designer or Principal contractor. For single contractor projects, prepare a construction phase plan.
CDM Dutyholders
Workers are the people wo work for or under the control of contractors on a construction site.
Summary of Role / Main Duties
They must:
- Be consulted about matters which affect their health, safety and welfare;
- Take care of their own health and safety and others who may be affected by their actions;
- Report anything they see which is likely to endanger either their own or others’ health and safety;
- Cooperate with their employer, fellow workers, contractors and other dutyholders.
3.4 Information, Training & Consultation
Safety and Health Information
3.4.1 Safety and health information shall be communicated to all relevant personnel including those within the company and others who may be affected by the company’s operations.
3.4.2 Safety information may be in the form of this Policy, site-specific documentation, posters, memos etc.
3.4.3 Site Supervisors hold copies of this Policy and site-specific documentation on site at all times. Additional information on the whole range of construction operations is contained in the construction manual GE706, a copy of which is held by the Site Supervisor.
3.4.4 The Managing Director will, as necessary, arrange suitable training to ensure that employees at all levels are:-
(a) Aware of their safety and health responsibilities;
(b) Competent to carry out safely their duties as Managers, Supervisors or Operatives;
(c) Competent to operate any specialist tools, plant or equipment.
3.4.5 The Site Supervisor will supervise the training of new starters and apprentices and arrange suitable induction training to ensure that they are familiar with the Policy and with the hazards and precautions associated with their work.
3.4.6 Induction training shall be given to all operatives (both direct employees and contractors) on all contracts prior to commencement of their work. All relevant information pertaining to each contract shall be communicated at the induction along with any residual risks and subsequent control measures as per our Risk / COSHH Assessments.
3.4.7 All training (including induction training) shall be recorded with copies of attendance sheets / certificates being held at Head Office and with the Principal Contractor on site. Sub-contractor’s training records shall be requested prior to them commencing work on site.
3.4.8 Employees will be provided with copies of the General Policy Statement, details of their individual responsibilities and other documents relevant to their work. The Policy will be explained by appropriate staff and full discussion is encouraged.
3.4.9 The company fully expects full commitment, support and co-operation with regard to working in a safe and effective manner by all employees and sub-contractors working on its behalf. Open and 2-way communication is vital to achieving this major objective in working safely to the mutual benefit of all.
3.4.10 Initiatives from employees on safety and health matters are encouraged and these should be made through normal management channels. The Managing Director is readily available, if necessary, for consultation on any safety or health matter.
3.4.11 This procedure is to be carried out by the Head Office when a new employee starts work:
- Explain to the new employee his duties and to whom he is responsible
- Advise of the contents of the Company Safety Policy - ensuring the employee is aware of his/her responsibilities
- Ascertain from the new employee if he suffers from any disability/illness, which may prevent him/her carrying out certain work activities or if he requires additional protective measures.
- Warn the new employee of any potentially dangerous areas, hazardous operation and/or any prohibited actions on site e.g. entering specific areas without a safety helmet, operating plant unless authorised etc.
- Arrange appropriate training or instruction to be given and inform head office management, e.g. abrasive wheels etc
- Issue appropriate PPE e.g. safety helmet, goggles, ear defenders and obtain their signature for the items issued.
3.4.12 Advise of the location of the first aid box and of the procedures to be taken in the event of an accident, in particular, the necessity to record all accidents however trivial it may appear at the time
3.5 Welfare provisions on site
3.5.1 The Principal Contractor is responsible for providing adequate welfare facilities however the Site Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the facilities are adequate, well maintained, serviced and clean at all times.
3.5.2 Welfare facilities will include but not be limited to:
- Sanitary conveniences
- Washing facilities
- Drinking water
- Storing and changing clothes
- Rest facilities
3.5.3 These provisions must be in place prior to works commencing on site and be situated reasonably near all places of work.
3.6 Fire / Emergency precautions – on site
3.6.1 The Site Supervisor shall ensure suitable and sufficient fire / emergency arrangements are in place on all sites prior to Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd commencing works. Where equipment is provided by Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd, the Site Supervisor shall be responsible for routinely checking all fire equipment and recording the findings.
3.6.2 All operatives shall be given a site induction before entering the site, detailing the emergency plans in the event of a fire / explosion or dangerous occurrence (i.e. scaffold collapse).
3.6.3 The alarm shall be raised as per the Principal Contractors procedures but if one of our employees is the first to notice an emergency situation they shall raise the alarm verbally. All personnel shall assemble at the designated ‘muster point’.
3.6.4 A fire / emergency information poster shall be clearly displayed at various points with relevant details of fire / emergency procedures.
3.6.5 Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd employees shall make themselves known to the appointed Fire Marshall during roll call and shall remain at the muster point until told they can leave or re-enter the work area.
3.6.6 The Managing Director shall be informed as soon as is reasonably practicable or any emergency situation which involves Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd employees.
3.6.7 All appropriate precautions, such as the removal of flammable materials and not smoking, must also be adhered to by Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd employees.
3.6.8 Personnel shall only attempt to fight fires when they have been trained to do so and feel such an attempt is safe and within their capabilities.
3.6.9 Fire / emergency procedures shall be developed by the Principal Contractor for each site as conditions and work practices vary from site to site.
3.7 Fire / Emergency procedures – Head Office
3.7.1 A fire risk assessment has been undertaken for our main premises and any areas identified as in need of remedial action shall be addressed as a priority. The risk assessment will be reviewed at least annually and amendments made if appropriate, bringing it to the attention of employees as necessary. Reviews will be formally recorded.
3.7.2 Suitable and sufficient fire detection, warning and fire fighting equipment shall be available on the premises should a fire break out.
3.7.3 An appointed person within the office shall be responsible for carrying out routine checks on equipment and exits with records kept.
3.7.4 Refer to the separate Office Policy for further details.
3.8 HSE notification and statutory notices
3.8.1 Where required to be notified (in accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015), the HSE must be advised of the proposed start of a project. This shall be undertaken by the Client using the form F(10). A copy will be displayed on site and our Site Supervisor shall check this is in place prior to works commencing.
3.8.2 A copy of the HSE law poster shall be available on all projects and at Head Office along with copies of relevant Insurance details.
3.9 Competence checks on sub-contractors
3.9.1 Prior to appointment each contractor shall be assessed for competency for a given risk category of work. This is undertaken by the Managing Director using a pre-qualification questionnaire. It may be completed following a discussion with the contractor however evidence shall also be requested.
3.9.2 Competence may also be assessed through previous knowledge of contractor’s work or through recommendation but will not negate the need for relevant site specific documentation to be provided.
3.10 Risk Assessments and Method Statements
3.10.1 All projects and significant operations will be assessed for risks and method statements prepared to ensure that all foreseeable risks are adequately identified and controlled with details communicated to relevant personnel. Safe systems of work shall be implemented, monitored and reviewed.
3.10.2 In accordance with the Work at Height Regulations, all work at any height is to be the subject of Risk Assessment.
3.10.3 The Managing Director in liaison with Lincsafe (Health & Safety) Ltd shall produce generic risk assessments for work procedures.
3.10.4 The Managing Director and Site Supervisors shall be responsible for making all generic risk assessments site specific. They shall also produce site specific Method Statements for work processes as required.
3.10.5 All significant findings from the risk assessment process shall be brought to the attention of the workforce. This shall be undertaken primarily at the induction stage but shall be reinforced through regular Toolbox Talks, briefings and at meetings.
3.10.6 Risk assessments shall be undertaken for all tasks and shall include the identification of risks posed to those not directly employed by Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd(i.e. members of the public, visitors, children etc), through their undertakings.
3.11 Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
3.11.1 Where it is necessary to use substances or processes, which could be hazardous to health, the risks will be assessed and employees informed of appropriate precautions, which must be taken prior to any substances being used.
3.11.2 Containers of hazardous substances should be marked with the appropriate danger symbol and must not be used unless information on their safe use has been provided.
3.11.3 The Company will use non-hazardous materials where possible, but the use of hazardous chemicals etc. is necessary in many cases. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations require the following measures to protect people from exposure to health risks from hazardous substances:-
An assessment of the health risks created by work with hazardous substances, and of necessary precautions to be taken.
The control of exposure, where possible by means other than personal protective equipment.
Ensuring that control measures are used and maintained.
The keeping of records and the giving of information, instruction and training to employees.
3.11.4 The Managing Director will ensure that information on the safe use of all materials ordered by the Company is obtained from suppliers. The Site Supervisor will ensure that similar information is provided where materials are supplied by subcontractors.
3.11.5 The Managing Director will ensure the preparation of an assessment of the health risks involved in the use of any hazardous substance, ensure the provision of necessary equipment and facilities, inform Supervisors of precautions which must be observed and ensure that all necessary information, instruction and training is provided prior to any substances being used.
3.11.6 The assessment of hazards from particular substances and processes may, where necessary, be carried out by external consultants. Where the significance of exposure is uncertain, it may be necessary to sample airborne contaminants; biological monitoring may be necessary in the case of substances hazardous by ingestion or absorption through the skin.
3.11.7 Many of the processes carried out by the Company are repetitive and assessments will need to be carried out only once, unless circumstances of the work changes significantly, e.g. when substances are used in confined spaces.
3.11.8 Assessments must be recorded in writing to show decisions and why and how they were made. Records of assessments will be kept by the relevant parties.
3.11.9 Substances / process deemed hazardous to Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd employees and others who may be in the immediate vicinity include:
Cutting processes or welding - Order to size to reduce need to cut;
- Ensure LEV or dust collection / suppression;
- Cut / weld in well ventilated area (outside);
- Wear appropriate RPE where above measures unpractical
COSHH Assessments shall be available in the site-pack.
3.12 Manual Handling
3.12.1 Wherever possible, use mechanical means to lift and transport items. Where use of mechanical means is impracticable, a risk assessment must be made and sufficient persons must be available to lift the relevant load taking into account the physical capability of the individual, size, shape and weight of the load.
Health and Safety Policy NSP/Lincsafe
May 2020
3.12.2 It remains the responsibility of the employee to ensure the load is within his / her capacity; and that assistance is sought if the load is unmanageable.
3.12.3 Ensure that the items are lifted correctly with the back straight and using the legs to raise yourself if the load is low. Use a good grip with the feet apart to hip width and one foot slightly in front of the other.
3.12.4 Avoid twisting, stooping or reaching to lift or deposit the load. Ensure that access areas are clean and clear and that the lighting is adequate. Wear gloves and safety footwear.
3.12.5 Protect sharp edges. Avoid long lifts and if necessary change grip when the load is at waist height. Keep the load close to your body. During repetitive work allow sufficient time for resting.
3.12.6 If more than one person is involved then a suitable person must be nominated to control the job. If possible, break the load down into smaller items and secure items, which are loose to prevent the load shifting when being carried.
3.12.7 The Managing Director / Site Supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring manual handling assessments are undertaken – this may be through delegation to other competent personnel.
3.12.8 Areas identified which require assessment for manual handling include:
Lifting and carrying large, unwieldy items (boilers / piping):
- Order manageable sized items;
- Engage the use of mechanical devices to lift, carry and position;
- Reduce the time required to manually handle items;
- Use two-man lifts wherever possible;
- Ensure safe handling techniques are used.
Lifting and carrying general construction tools / items:
- Engage the use of mechanical devices to lift, carry and position;
- Reduce the time required to manually handle items;
- Carry only small amounts within your capability;
- Ensure safe handling techniques are used.
3.13 Site Auditing / Inspections
3.13.1 The Director responsible for Health and Safety shall arrange for regular audits of work activities to ensure compliance with relevant statutory provisions and the Company Health and Safety Policy.
3.13.2 Such audits shall include external Advisers auditing our safety management systems / premises and also visiting sites and reporting on safety standards.
3.13.3 In addition to auditing, regular walk-through inspections shall be undertaken by Site Supervisors with findings recorded and addressed as required.
3.14 General Site Rules
3.14.1 Safety Induction Training will be provided for all personnel on first arrival on site (provided by the Principal Contractor and Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd Site Supervisor).
3.14.2 Noise - will be reduced wherever possible with cutting operations undertaken at designated areas on site and limited. Radios on site are not allowed.
3.14.3 Wherever possible environmentally friendly products shall be used.
3.14.4 Site housekeeping – our work areas shall be maintained in a clean, tidy and safe condition for the duration of the works.
3.14.5 Ensure that holes, excavations etc are securely protected / covered at all times and particularly at the end of each day.
3.14.6 All waste materials including waste packaging, building materials, excavated materials etc shall be collected and removed from site at regular intervals and prior to completion of each contract. The Principal Contractors Site Waste Management Plan shall be strictly adhered to with segregation and minimisation of waste a priority.
3.14.7 Traffic Management Systems and speed limits shall be strictly adhered to at all times.
3.14.8 Appropriate PPE shall be worn for relevant tasks by all personnel, including Hi-vis clothing.
3.14.9 Any other rules which are dictated by the Principal Contractor, Client or work processes etc. shall be adhered to by all Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd personnel.
3.15 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
3.15.1 After all other measures have been taken to minimise risk there will still remain circumstances where protective equipment should be used.
3.15.2 In all cases the equipment should be suitable to the risks and conditions of use, of good fit, compatible with other equipment and to C.E type approval standards.
3.15.3 It should be checked before issue and use, used only in accordance with the manufacturer, stored carefully between use and disposed of safely when no longer adequate.
3.15.4 The Company will seek to provide the equipment and suitable training and instruction to its use. Employees must ensure that they are adequately protected, use what is provided and treat it with due care, reporting any defect or loss and return to stores after use.
3.15.5 The Site Supervisor will ensure the provision of all necessary protective clothing and equipment. Records will be kept of all PPE issued.
3.15.6 Subcontractors will normally be required to provide items of protective clothing and equipment for their employees, unless alternative contract arrangements are made.
3.15.7 Employees and Subcontractors have a duty to use and to look after items of equipment, which are provided for their protection. The misuse and wilful damage of any PPE may result in disciplinary action being taken.
3.16 Plant, equipment and transport
3.16.1 All plant, equipment and transport is either company owned or hired from reputable hire companies. All work equipment will be supplied with adequate safety instructions, certification, thorough examinations certificates etc.
3.16.2 On arrival on site each piece of work equipment will be checked by the Site Supervisor prior to being brought into use for the first time. A permit system is in place for high-risk equipment such as screed pumps to ensure appropriate guarding etc is in place.
3.16.3 The Site Supervisor will also ensure that each piece of work equipment is regularly checked for safety integrity, especially guards, braking devices, interlocks etc. Such inspections shall be recorded on the appropriate form and kept on the site throughout the life of the project with copies sent to H.O.
3.16.4 All equipment used on site must be in efficient working order and in a state of good repair. It must also be suitable for the job which is being undertaken.
3.16.5 Maintenance of plant and equipment shall only undertaken by trained and competent
persons in line with manufacturers recommendations.
3.16.6 Only those persons appointed and carrying a valid licence or certificate will be allowed to use the certain plant and equipment (i.e. abrasive wheels).
3.16.7 Where new equipment is provided, the user will be given full instructions and training (including manufacturer’s manual etc) on the safe and proper use of the equipment. Records of such training shall be kept.
3.17 Electrical Equipment
3.17.1 A 110V temporary electrical supply will normally be provided on site and only 110V (or less) tools and equipment shall be used where practicable.
3.17.2 All cables and connections must be checked by operatives prior to use to ensure they are sound. Operatives should check for any external damage, including leads, plugs, firm connections, guards etc. Plugs must not however be taken apart.
3.17.3 Further information relating to pre-use checks for PAT equipment can be found in the HSE Leaflet indg236 which is held in the office and will be communicated via TBTs.
3.17.4 All portable appliance (PA) electrical equipment is tested by a competent PA tester and shall carry a label to indicate that the equipment has passed and when it is due for re-test. Company policy is for office equipment to be tested annually and site-based equipment at least 3-monthly, to comply with construction site standards. A suitable register will be kept to confirm its pass or fail status and any actions taken as a result of a failure.
3.17.5 Sub-contractors own equipment shall only be authorised on site when it complies with the above.
3.17.6 Waterproof fittings must be used for any external work. Leads must not be allowed to trail and cause a trip hazard.
3.17.7 Any repairs must be made by trained and authorised persons. Operatives must never remove casings, leads, guards etc in order to carry out their own repairs.
3.17.8 Personnel shall be briefed on the dangers of faulty electrical equipment, pre-use checks and fault reporting procedures at the induction stage and during Toolbox Talks / inspections etc.
3.17.9 Inspections shall be undertaken of portable electrical equipment on a weekly basis with records kept of the findings. Any equipment deemed to be a risk shall be removed from the work area and repairs undertaken.
3.17.11 Permits to Work
All hot work activities are to be planned if they are to be executed safely and successfully. Procedures will be required to control all hot work activity in hazardous work areas, i.e. confined space, toxic environments etc. and should clearly show the safety precautions that are required and should be properly supervised at all times. On no account is anyone to carry out hot work on their own or without the proper safety precautions and protective equipment present in any hazardous area.
3.18 Asbestos
3.18.1 The Company will not use asbestos products in its works. However, in refurbishment, asbestos may be encountered in the form of asbestos cement sheets, asbestos lagging, coatings or insulation board.
3.18.2 The Managing Director will ensure wherever it is applicable, an appropriate asbestos survey has been undertaken or a copy of the premises Asbestos Register requested. Details of which shall be included in the site pack and communicated to relevant personnel prior to works commencing on site.
3.18.3 Personnel shall receive mandatory Asbestos Awareness training (1/2 day) if they are involved in working in premises constructed prior to November 1999 due to the possibility that asbestos containing materials may be present.
3.18.4 Where suspected asbestos is found, employees are required to stop work and segregate the area to prevent possible further contamination,
3.18.5 An experienced, licensed specialist contractor will be employed to assesses and sample the materials, if necessary the contractor will strip or carry out whatever work is necessary to make the area safe.
3.19.1 Work at Height
3.19.1 All work at height undertaken by Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd will be carried out within the scope of The Work at Height Regulations 2005. All work at height will be subject to risk assessment being undertaken.
3.19.2 Where Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd operate as a sub-contractor, but before any work at height is undertaken on a Principal Contractors premises, our Site Supervisor will communicate with the Principal Contractor and satisfy himself that the work has been planned and suitable equipment has been selected in respect of access, edge protection and fall protection.
3.19.3 Where Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd are responsible for selecting, providing and erecting access equipment for working at height we shall ensure that:
- Work at Height is avoided where possible, i.e. done at ground level and lifted into place;
- If avoidance is not possible, equipment will be selected to prevent a possible fall, this will be achieved by the use of scaffold, edge protection, birdcage scaffold, powered access platforms and suitable access methods, i.e. Haki stair towers;
- Where it is not possible to prevent a fall, a method will be used to mitigate the consequences of a fall i.e. fall nets, soft landing systems or personal suspension equipment (harnesses).
3.19.4 In all cases Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd will ensure:
- All work at height is planned and organised.
- Weather conditions are taken into account.
- The location of the work place is safe.
- All operatives undertaking the work at height are trained and competent.
- The equipment selected for work at height is appropriately inspected.
- The risk from fragile materials i.e. roof lights, is controlled.
- The risk from falling materials is controlled.
3.19.5 Other access and work platforms can be used, i.e. ladders and steps, but only after more appropriate methods have been exhausted, and only for short duration, following a risk assessment.
3.20 Noise
3.20.1 Noise at work, if allowed to remain unchecked could lead to the reduction or even the complete loss of hearing in employees' exposed to it. It is imperative that measures are swiftly taken to reduce the excessive noise levels to a minimum and where possible to the levels required by the Control of Noise at Work Regulations.
3.20.2 The Noise Regulations require specific action to be taken at certain values, these relate to:
- The levels of exposure to noise averaged over a working day or week; and
- The maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to which employees are exposed in a working day.
3.20.3 The Regulations have placed duties on employers at 3 defined action levels:
1st Action Level - daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB(A) or peak pressure of 135 dB (C).
Employees to be informed of the potential damage to their hearing and, if requested by them, provisioned with suitable hearing protection.
2nd Action Level - daily or weekly exposure of 85 dB(A) or peak pressure of 137 dB (C).
Where possible, the noise levels are to be reduced below the 85dB(A) threshold. If this is not possible, the area is to defined as a noise hazard zone and suitable signs are to be displayed; employees to be informed of the damage which will be caused to their hearing and they are to be provisioned with suitable hearing protection which they MUST wear.
Peak action level 87 dB(A) or peak pressure of 140dB(C) - these levels must not be exceeded
Employees exposed to this level of noise, are to be removed from the workplace and not exposed to further noise sources for that day.
3.20.4 These exposure limit values take account of any reduction in exposure provided by hearing protection.
3.20.5 As required by the Regulations, whenever a potential noise hazard exists,
arrangements will be made to carry out suitable noise assessments and appropriate action will be taken.
In addition, Supervisors are to ensure the following:
- Ensure any workplace instructions, regarding the wearing of hearing protection in designated areas, are obeyed.
- Ensure machinery and equipment is selected and maintained to minimise noise levels, and keep all engine covers etc. closed during use.
- Where possible, consider alternative methods of work to eliminate and reduce possible noise levels.
- Where prolonged exposure is unavoidable, work should be planned to give employees' adequate rest breaks away from the noisy environment.
- Ensure adequate means of communication in noisy environments, especially if there are relevant alarm sounds, which may need to be heard, alternative signals may need to be provided.
- When necessary, ensure that employees' have been instructed in the use of any equipment provided for protection.
- The Safety Adviser, if requested will provide the following services, noise surveys, noise assessments, noise control measures, individual noise monitoring, training and instruction for employees'.
3.21 Vibration
3.21.1 The Company shall whenever possible use mechanically propelled equipment as opposed to hand held. Where this is not possible low vibration equipment shall be requested from suppliers (this also applies to contractor’s plant).
Personnel will be instructed in the regards of vibrating equipment and procedure to be followed to reduce over exposure.
3.21.2 Vibration exposure from prolonged and regular work with powered hand-held tools, equipment or processes can have adverse effects on the hands and arms of users. Without effective controls, workers using such equipment may suffer various forms of damage, collectively known as ‘hand-arm vibration syndrome’ (HAVS). This is a painful condition and the effects can include impaired blood circulation, damage to the nerves and muscles, and loss of ability to grip properly. The most common form of damage is vibration white finger’ (VWF), which is a prescribed industrial disease under RIDDOR Regulations.
3.21.3 Individual work processes and the tools being used should be observed. The following points shall be considered to assist in identifying the problem.
The number of employees using power hand-held tools and where they work.
Is there a high turnover of people in any department using powered hand-held tools?
Ask operators about vibration levels when the tool or machinery is in use. Do they
get numbness or tingling in their fingers? Have the operators complained about recurring pain or throbbing in their hands, or difficulties with gripping objects, or completing fiddly tasks such as fastening a button?
3.21.4 Looking at the task:
- Could the process be redesigned to avoid or reduce the use of powered hand-held
tools, e.g. by substitution or alternative mechanization? - Are alternative lower vibration processes or methods available?
- Could remote or power-assisted controls be introduced?
3.21.5 Reducing Vibration Transmitted to the Hands
- Suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training shall be provided to all
operatives that use equipment that causes vibration to the hands. This should cover working techniques to avoid excessive grip pressure and push and guiding forces. The encouragement of workers to select the lightest tool capable of doing the work, to rest the tool as much as possible on the material being worked, and hold it with a light but safe grip. - Job rotation and careful planning of the work can also keep the vibration exposure down. Suitable levels of supervision of the activity will take place to make these controls effective.
- It is very important to maintain blood circulation. This will be achieved by keeping the hands and body warm to help maintain a good flow of blood to the fingers and reduce the risk of injury.
- Gloves must be worn at all times when operating equipment that allows vibration to reach the hands. This will assist in keeping the hands warm, so as to increase the blood flow and reduce the vibration level to the hand.
- Special soft lining gloves are available. These gloves can reduce high-frequency vibration but have little effect on mid or low frequencies, which are those most likely to damage blood flow to the hands. The wearing of gloves also offer physical protection to the hands.
- As in all cases involving personal protective equipment, it must only be used as the last means of defence (i.e. when all other options of removing the hazard have been used).
- Exhausts from pneumatic tools and equipment must not be allowed to discharge towards the operator’s hands. A flexible hose to lead the exhaust away will also help with noise control.
- Avoiding or cutting down smoking will help blood circulation, as will massage and exercising of the fingers during work breaks.
- Assessments for all relevant tools / equipment shall be undertaken using manufacturers guidance and the findings / controls communicated to relevant personnel.
3.22 Health Surveillance
3.22.1 The Managing Director shall ensure that prior to employment, personnel are asked as to their general health in relation to work tasks required. A self-check questionnaire has been introduced for completion by employees to help assess whether further specialist screening or action is required by Nigel Smith Plumbing & Heating Contractors (Lincoln) Ltd.
3.22.2 Should any person have a health problem which could affect their safety while at the workplace, they shall inform their immediate supervisor.
3.22.3 Supervisors shall, where work activities could cause health problems, regularly check on the welfare of personnel. Medical Practitioners (i.e. Occupational Health) shall be approached whenever assessments / pre-contract information identifies possible health risks.
3.23 Alcohol and Drug Abuse
3.23.1 Alcohol or drug abuse by employees and contractors (including supervisory and management staff) can adversely affect the safety and health of not only themselves, but the safety of all other operatives who work with them on site. It is, therefore, our company policy that any person is known to be, or strongly suspected of being, affected by alcohol or substance abuse, he/she is to be referred to the site agent who is to arrange for the person to be removed from site.
3.23.2 Symptoms suggesting that a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be
created by other conditions e.g. heat exhaustion, hypothermia, diabetes, etc, and the
person may be affected by legitimate medication prescribed by a doctor. These
conditions, while still requiring the person to be removed from their work for safety
reasons, will obviously affect any disciplinary action that may be considered. If there is
any doubt as to the person’s medical condition or to the cause of their condition, then,
medical advice should be sought immediately.
3.24 Dermatitis
3.24.1 Occupational dermatitis is caused by the skin coming into contact with certain substances at work i.e. cement, concrete, mortar and mineral oils. It is not infectious, so it cannot be passed from one person to another.
3.24.2 Contact with these substances might immediately affect you or take weeks, even months or years to cause occupational dermatitis. Irritant Contact Dermatitis occurs soon after contact with the substance and the condition reverses after contact ceases. However, prolonged and regular contact with sensitising agents such as found in cement, turpentine and epoxy resins can lead to Allergic Contact Dermatitis which is irreversible.
3.24.3 Signs can be redness, itching, scaling or blistering of the hand or forearms, the places most likely to touch the substance. Certain type of dusts, liquids and fumes can affect your face, neck or chest and can be very painful.
3.24.4 Dermatitis can be best controlled through good personal hygiene (regular hand washing, avoiding contact with substances) and the use of personal protective equipment e.g. overalls, wellington boots and use of barrier creams.
3.24.5 Reference must be made to the assessment made under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations to ensure a safe system of work is made relevant to the level of risks.
3.25 Respiratory Protection / Silica Dust
3.25.1 Silica dust is likely to be encountered in the cutting or blasting / cleaning of
sandstone, granite or brick.
3.25.2 The Managing Director will identify material liable to give rise to this hazard and the Contracts Manager will ensure that the risk is assessed and necessary control
measures specified.
3.25.3 Control measures may include the use of wet methods, exhaust ventilation, the use of Respiratory protective equipment and the segregation of other workers. Information regarding health risks associated with these operations i.e. silicosis will be given to employees.
3.25.4 If identified as being necessary, employees may be requested to attend occupational Health interviews.
3.26 Lead
3.26.1 Where there is any possibility that persons may be exposed to lead, a suitable assessment as required by the Control of Lead at Work Regulations must be carried out.
3.26.2 Exposure to lead will be determined by a competent person to determine if the exposure to lead is significant.
3.26.3 Where exposure is significant, the company will provide adequate control measures, and medical surveillance, to bring the exposure level down so far as is reasonably practicable. A method statement will be developed for this work.
3.26.4 Employees will be given adequate information, instruction and training to understand the associated risks and necessary precautions. Adequate welfare provisions, i.e. washing, eating/drinking and changing facilities, and clothing accommodation, will be made available.
3.23 Office Safety
3.23.1 All office staff have a duty to assist in reducing the risk of accidents and fire.
The following rules and precautions are to be observed:-
2.23.2 Keep desks tidy and ensure that waste paper is disposed of regularly.
3.23.3 Use a safe method of lifting any article and get assistance if necessary.
3.23.4 Never leave filing cabinet drawers open, or open more than one at a time.
3.23.5 Ensure that cables and connections on all electrical equipment are sound, that the equipment is earthed and that a fuse of the correct rating is fitted in the plug.
3.23.6 Ensure that passageways, stairs and exits are kept clear of any obstruction.
3.23.7 All staff must be familiar with the fire emergency procedure and how to use fire extinguishers, which are provided (water for wood or paper fires, dry powder or CO2 for electrical fires).
3.23.8 Any DSE ‘Users’ must have a DSE Assessment for their workstation to ensure it is ergonomically sound.
For further details see dedicated office safety policy